Tuesday, June 19, 2012

5 Reasons Mummies Go Back To Work

I will miss my little man terribly when I go back to work but there are a few reasons why I am secretly glad to be returning to the paid workforce...

  1. Being able to go to the toilet whenever I want ON MY OWN!!!
  2. Being able to drink a HOT cup of coffee whenever I feel like it.
  3. Not having to hide inside the pantry to eat some chocolate.
  4. Having people actually listen to what I’m saying, THE FIRST TIME!
  5. Having a LUNCH BREAK and not resorting to eating the remains of my son’s soggy lunch.

Apart from financial, what are some good reasons you have for going back to work?

Leanne :)


  1. I'm not planning to go back to work for a while.. but some days are so tough that I fantasise about returning to work for exactly those reasons!
    Glad you linked up today :-)

    1. Thanks Catherine for all your help! You are a gem. :)

  2. I hope to go back to work next year...and yes. It's mainly because I want to have people listen to what I'm saying :)
    Thanks for linking up !

    1. Thanks Grace! I'm so glad I have found your blog. I am your newest fan! :)

  3. Hi! I enjoyed reading your blog. Following from Flo Yo Blog Friday! I would appreciate the follow back! Have a great day! -Kat


  4. Replies
    1. Thanks for checking out my blog! Glad you liked it. :)

  5. All totally valid points!!! I also felt like a more valued member of the family once I was again contributing fiscally (which is completely ridiculous since I was on full pay for both my maternity leaves!!) Hope you enjoy the perks of being a working mum :) #FYBF

    1. Thanks Renee. I'm just hoping the perks outweigh the crappy parts of being a working mum! :)

  6. 1. Getting dressed up every day. Not sure if I can go back to wearing heels though - flats are so comfortable!
    2. Similar to no. 1 - wearing make up
    3. 45 minutes on the bus to/from work to just zone out.
    4. Decorating my desk with photos of my kids and having people tell me how cute they are
    5. Going shopping on my WHOLE HOUR lunch break

    hmmm, that's all for now. I'm sure I'll think of more!

    1. Claire,
      I'm hearing you about the flat shoes! And shopping - on your own for a whole hour - that sounds divine!!!

      P.S. Ever thought about writing your own blog?!

  7. Oh, I just thought of another one: not having to clean up other people's wee, poo, vomit or blood!

  8. Love it! That is of course... unless you are a nurse or a teacher! ;)

  9. I was just trying very hard to silence the mini crunchie bar I had found at the back of the cupboard. Only my dog heard. I totally understand point 3. Rachel x

  10. Hi Rachel,
    I can imagine a mini crunchie bar would be difficult to eat quietly - well done! :)


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